Empire witch hunter

Well, I'm not going to lie. The painting mojo has really been dwindling lately. However, I did manage to hammer this guy out a few weeks ago (I know...). I've always been a huge fan of this model, so much so that I decided to buy him and paint him even though he is finecast. 

I'm not a big fan of painting humans. However, this model just oozes character and I was willing to make an exception! I used contrast paints to establish the initial lights/darks on the models, and then a mixture of contrast paints and cool/warm lights to establish the highlights. I'm quite pleased at how he turned out, and he actually painted up pretty quickly. Too bad the pictures are a little blurry. I've made my peace with posting these, because Sigmar knows it would be another few months before I motivate myself to take new ones. 

Stay safe, all. Until next time
