
As my oldest son is getting to be the age at which I was first introducted to the hobby, I have been busying myself with getting this Heroquest set painted in order to see whether the miniature hobby is something that would interest him. I thought that the 'simple' models (as compared with today's miniature technology standards) would be a real bear to paint, but I quite enjoyed it actually. There is something to be said for simple models without a ton of extra pouches, straps, and skulls. They painted up quite quickly, actually.

All of the models in the set

The heroes. I tried to follow the box art as closely as possible for these brave fellows


I really like how these models turned out. I don't get to paint many models in aqua colors

still some of the best mummies ever made IMO

these guys win the prize for the most annoying models to paint in the set

 Until next time, happy painting!
