RTB01 Blood Angels tactical squad

I happened upon some good fortune and managed to pick up a few squads of the RTB01 marines online. They needed some extensive work - mold line removal and stripping of paint, but I thought that this was well deserved given how difficult these models have become to find.

 I decided to paint them up as blood angels, to complement the terminators from Space Hulk. Given that second edition 40k has such a low model count, with this second squad I was well on my way to having an army for my Space Orks to battle against.

I quite like the way that they turned out. I had some old blood angels space marine transfers that I was going to use for the shoulder pads, but given their age they were very brittle and in the end I decided to freehand the chapter symbols. They're not perfect but a lot more satisfying and actually didn't take as long to do as I thought they would.

That's all for now. Next up is a death company unit ...

Until next time, happy painting!
