Forest goblins with spears

It has taken me quite a while to get a hold of all 20 forest goblins with spears to form a unit, but I have finally gotten there. I painted these guys in two groups of 10, with a color scheme to match the other forest goblins that I have been working on. 

No doubt that this has been a slow-burn project, although I anticipated this from the very beginning. In fact, the forest goblins are the second 'phase' of my 4th/5th edition O&G army based on Kev Adams' wonderful sculpts. The first phase was my my night goblin contingent  which is now almost complete, although it has been 3 years in the making. Good thing about blogging is that you can keep track of this kind of stuff!

Cheers again to Mustafa Bekir for the awesome shield decals

